Tuesday, December 22, 2009

.Net Table Layout control

In .Net framework, form controls can be placed and arranged in Table lay out control.
In form application, design time, we can drag and drop the table layout control from the tool box.

Inside the table layout control we can add or remove the rows/column during design time as well as during run time. The key advantage of table layout is, the controls inside the table layout will expand or shrink when user re sizes the form.

The places to which table layout control is applicable:
1. Controls need to be expanded/shrink in proportional manner.
2. Controls and layout that are modified during run time. Ex: Customer entry forms, user can remove some of the controls during run time.
3. Layouts that remain constant size. In that case keep all the controls inside the lay out. And let the layout size the controls appropriately.

The places to which table layout control is not applicable:
1. Places where control need to be anchored in some place with constant size.
2. Places where control need to be docked.